Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry



Second Edition

醫學博士 Peter R. Breggin 被稱為“精神病學的良心”,因為他努力改革心理健康領域,包括推廣關愛的心理治療方法,以及反對不斷升級的過度使用精神病藥物、壓迫性診斷和吸毒兒童、電擊、腦葉切除術、非自願治療和錯誤的生物學理論。

Peter R. Breggin, MD, has been called “the conscience of psychiatry” for his efforts to reform the mental health fi eld, including his promotion of caring psychotherapeutic approaches and his opposition to the escalating overuse of psychiatric medications, the oppressive diagnosing and drugging of children, electroshock, lobotomy, involuntary treatment, and false biological theories.

Breggin 博士自 1968 年以來一直從事精神病學的私人執業,首先在華盛頓特區,現在在紐約伊薩卡。 在他的治療實踐中,他治療個人、夫婦和兒童及其家人,而不使用精神藥物。 作為一名臨床精神藥理學家,他提供諮詢,並作為醫學專家積極參與刑事、醫療事故和產品責任訴訟,通常涉及精神藥物的有害影響。 他一直是涉及患者權利的具有里程碑意義的案件的專家。

Dr. Breggin has been in the private practice of psychiatry since 1968, fi rst in the Washington, D.C., area, and now in Ithaca, New York. In his therapy practice, he treats individuals, couples, and children with their families without resort to psychiatric drugs. As a clinical psychopharmacologist, he provides consultations and is active as a medical expert in criminal, malpractice, and product liability lawsuits, often involving the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs. He has been an expert in landmark cases involving the rights of patients.

自 1964 年以來,布雷金博士撰寫了數十篇科學文章和大約 20 本書他的許多著作包括有毒精神病學、樂於助人的心、與利他林對話、抗抑鬱藥事實書,以及與合著者 Ginger Breggin 合作的《與百憂解對話》和《反對有色人種兒童的戰爭》。 他即將在 2008 年初出版的書是藥物瘋狂:關於精神藥物引起的混亂、謀殺和自殺的真實故事。

Since 1964, Dr. Breggin has written dozens of scientific articles and approximately 20 books. Some of his many books include Toxic Psychiatry, The Heart of Being Helpful, Talking Back to Ritalin, The Antidepressant Fact Book, and, with coauthor Ginger Breggin, Talking Back to Prozac and The War Against Children of Color. His forthcoming book in early 2008 is Medication Madness: True Stories About Mayhem, Murder and Suicide Caused by Psychiatric Drugs.

在他職業生涯的不同階段,他比他的時代提前了幾十年,警告了腦葉切除術、電擊的危險,以及最近的抗抑鬱藥引起的自殺和暴力,以及許多其他最近承認的與精神科藥物相關的風險。 他的觀點已被世界各地的主要媒體報導,包括紐約時報和華爾街日報到時代和新聞周刊,從拉里金現場和奧普拉到 60 分鐘和 20/20。

At various stages of his career, he has been decades ahead of his time in warning about the dangers of lobotomy, electroshock, and, more recently, antidepressant-induced suicide and violence as well as many other recently acknowledged risks associated with psychiatric drugs. His views have been covered in major media throughout the world including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal to Time and Newsweek, and from Larry King Live and Oprah to 60 Minutes and 20/20.

1972 年,布雷金博士創立了國際精神病學和心理學研究中心 (ICSPP;。 ICSPP 最初是為了支持他成功阻止腦葉切除術復甦而組織的,它已成為希望在心理健康領域提高道德和科學標準的有改革意識的專業人士和非專業人士的支持和靈感來源。 1999 年,他和妻子 Ginger 創立了 ICSPP 的同行評審科學期刊 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry。

In 1972, Dr. Breggin founded the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP; Originally organized to support his successful campaign to stop the resurgence of lobotomy, ICSPP has become a source of support and inspiration for reform-minded professionals and laypersons who wish to raise ethical and scientific standards in the fi eld of mental health. In 1999, he and his wife, Ginger, founded ICSPP’s peer-reviewed scientific journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry.

2002 年,儘管 Breggin 博士繼續參與 ICSPP 活動,但他們選擇了年輕的專業人士接管中心和期刊。

In 2002, they selected younger professionals to take over the center and the journal, although Dr. Breggin continues to participate in ICSPP activities.

Breggin 博士的背景包括哈佛學院、凱斯西儲醫學院、哈佛醫學院的教學獎學金、3 年的精神病學住院醫師培訓、2 年的國家心理健康研究所的工作人員分配以及多項教學任命,包括 在約翰霍普金斯大學諮詢系和喬治梅森大學衝突分析與解決研究所。

Dr. Breggin’s background includes Harvard College, Case Western Reserve Medical School, a teaching fellowship at Harvard Medical School, 3 years of residency training in psychiatry, a 2-year staff assignment at the National Institute of Mental Health, and several teaching appointments, including in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Counseling and the George Mason University Institute for Confl ict Analysis and Resolution.

Breggin 博士的網站是。

Dr. Breggin’s Web site is




Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex
Second Edition

Peter R. Breggin, MD

New York

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Breggin, Peter Roger, 1936–

Brain-disabling treatments in psychiatry : drugs, electroshock, and the psychopharmaceutical complex / Peter R. Breggin. — 2nd ed.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN-13: 978–0–8261–2934–5 (alk. paper)

ISBN-10: 0–8261–2934–X (alk. paper)

1. Psychotropic drugs—Side effects. 2. Brain—Effect of drugs on.

3. Electroconvulsive therapy—Complications.
4. Iatrogenic diseases.

5. United States. Food and Drug Administration. I. Title.

[DNLM: 1. United States. Food and Drug Administration. 2. Mental Disorders—therapy—United States. 3. Brain Damage, Chronic—etiology—

United States. 4. Drug Industry—United States. 5. Electroconvulsive Therapy—adverse effects—United States. 6. Psychotropic Drugs—adverse effects—United States. WM 400 B833b 2008]

RC483.B726 2008



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Psychiatric Drugs Are Dangerous to Take and Dangerous to Stop

本書中討論的精神科藥物比許多醫生和患者意識到的要危險得多,但在停藥過程中它們也可能變得危險。 簡而言之,開始服用精神科藥物是危險的,停止服用也是危險的。

許多人上癮,大多數人會產生戒斷症狀,這些症狀在情緒和身體上都令人痛苦,有時甚至危及生命。 精神科藥物的逐漸減量通常應在經驗豐富的臨床監督的幫助下逐步進行。

一本書不能代替個性化的醫療或心理護理,本書也不能作為治療指南。 它從科學、倫理、心理和社會的角度對精神病學中的生物治療進行了批判性分析。


The psychiatric drugs discussed in this book are far more dangerous to take than many doctors and patients realize, but they can also become hazardous during the withdrawal process. In short, it is dangerous to start psychiatric drugs and dangerous to stop them.

Many are addictive, and most can produce withdrawal symptoms that are emotionally and physically distressing and sometimes life threatening. Tapering off psychiatric drugs should usually be done gradually with the aid of experienced clinical supervision.

A book cannot substitute for individualized medical or psychological care, and this book is not intended as a treatment guide. It provides a critical analysis of biological treatments in psychiatry written from a scientific, ethical, psychological, and social viewpoint.

Peter R. Breggin, MD

Professional Books by Peter R. Breggin, MD  (p. 7)


College Students in a Mental Hospital: Contributions to the Social Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill (Jointly authored) (1962) Electroshock: Its Brain-Disabling Effects (1979)

The Psychology of Freedom: Liberty and Love as a Way of Life (1980) Psychiatric Drugs: Hazards to the Brain (1983)

Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock and Biochemical Theories of the “New Psychiatry” (1991) Beyond Confl ict: From Self-Help and Psychotherapy to Peacemaking (1992) Talking Back to Prozac (coauthor Ginger Breggin) (1994) Psychosocial Approaches to Deeply Disturbed Persons (coeditor E. Mark Stern) (1996)

Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Role of the FDA (1997)

The Heart of Being Helpful: Empathy and the Creation of a Healing Presence (1997)

The War Against Children of Color: Psychiatry Targets Inner City Children, Updated (coauthor Ginger Breggin) (1998)

Reclaiming Our Children: A Healing Solution to a Nation in Crisis (2000) Talking Back to Ritalin, Revised Edition (2001) The Antidepressant Fact Book (2001)

Dimensions of Empathic Therapy (coeditors Ginger Breggin and Fred Bemak) (2002)

The Ritalin Fact Book (2002)

Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications, Revised and Updated Edition (coauthor David Cohen) (2007)

Medication Madness: True Stories of Mayhem, Murder and Suicide Caused by Psychiatric Drugs (2008)

For Ginger Breggin

My wife, best friend, partner in life, most trusted advisor,

last human resort in all crises, and playmate

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By bangqu

