by 詹姆斯·諾切爾-2022 年 6 月 18 日
——Arthur C. Clarke(科幻作家)
“Any sufficiently-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
—Arthur C. Clarke (science fiction author)
著名物理學家理查德·費曼 1974 年在加州理工學院的畢業典禮上發表演講,就如何避免被愚弄提供指導:貨物崇拜科學:關於科學、偽科學和學習如何不愚弄自己的一些評論。
The noted physicist Richard Feynman gave the commencement address at CalTech in 1974 with a speech providing guidance on how to avoid getting fooled: Cargo Cult Science: Some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself.
Feynman described the experience of people in the South Pacific who were briefly exposed to technological magic during World War II:
在南海有一個貨物崇拜的人。在戰爭期間,他們看到飛機降落時有很多優質材料(good materials),他們希望現在也能發生同樣的事情。所以他們安排了跑道之類的東西,在跑道的兩側生火,建造一個木屋供一個人坐,在他頭上放兩塊木頭像耳機,竹條像天線一樣伸出來——他是管制員——他們等待飛機降落。他們做的一切都是正確的。形式很完美。它看起來和以前完全一樣。但它不起作用。沒有飛機降落。所以我把這些東西稱為貨物崇拜科學(Cargo Cult Science,草包族科學),因為它們遵循所有明顯的規則和科學調查形式,但它們缺少一些重要的東西,因為飛機不會降落。
In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas—he’s the controller—and they wait for the airplanes to land. They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looked before. But it doesn’t work. No airplanes land. So I call these things Cargo Cult Science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they’re missing something essential, because the planes don’t land.
費曼的演講繼續舉了一個例子,說明一個小科學錯誤如何成為科學福音,以及如何又花了 15 年的實驗才確定了一個更準確的電子電荷值:
Feynman’s speech goes on to give an example of how a little science-mistake became science-gospel, and how it took another 15 years of experiments before a more accurate value for the charge of an electron was settled upon:
Why didn’t they discover that the new number was higher right away? It’s a thing that scientists are ashamed of—this history—because it’s apparent that people did things like this: When they got a number that was too high above Millikan’s(油滴實驗,基本電荷量e), they thought something must be wrong—and they would look for and find a reason why something might be wrong. When they got a number closer to Millikan’s value they didn’t look so hard. And so they eliminated the numbers that were too far off, and did other things like that. We’ve learned those tricks nowadays, and now we don’t have that kind of a disease.
Feynman says the later investigators who came up with the correct result fooled themselves into publishing incorrect values:
但是這段學習如何不自欺欺人的悠久歷史——具有絕對的科學誠信——是,我很遺憾地說,我們沒有專門包含在我所知道的任何特定課程中的東西。 我們只希望你透過滲透作用理解。
But this long history of learning how to not fool ourselves—of having utter scientific integrity—is, I’m sorry to say, something that we haven’t specifically included in any particular course that I know of. We just hope you’ve caught on by osmosis.
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool. So you have to be very careful about that. After you’ve not fooled yourself, it’s easy not to fool other scientists. You just have to be honest in a conventional way after that.
Cargo Cult Psychiatry
In Malignant Do-Gooderism: The Tragedies of Allopathic Psychiatry, I distinguished allopathic psychiatry from holistic psychiatry. Psychiatrists who practice allopathically tend to prescribe palliative medications to treat their patients’ symptoms without (much) concern for the causes behind the patient’s symptomatic presentation. Holistic psychiatrists try to put their patients’ symptoms into context, and tend to use gentle interventions that shouldn’t worsen their patient’s condition.
I borrow from Feynman’s speech:
In all of medicine there is a tendency to Cargo Cultism, where doctors try to assist their patients with interventions that can’t possibly help.
隨著醫學在 20世紀的進步,一組醫生看到其他專業發展到對他們的病人有所幫助。他們看到同事的聲望和聲望都在提高,他們希望自己的醫學專業也能發生同樣的事情。
As medicine advanced over the course of the 20th century, one group of doctors saw other specialties advance to being somewhat helpful to their patients. They saw their colleagues rise in esteem and prestige, and they wanted the same thing to happen for their own medical specialty.
20th Century psychiatrists wrote manuals and procedures for the diagnosis of ‘mental disorders’. They order lab tests and undertake careful study of their patients’ symptoms, and they diagnose the conditions listed in their manuals. They seek regulatory approval of prescriptions to treat the diagnoses. They stopped doing psycho-surgery(心理外科) by mid-century, but still electrocute their patients’ brains when they think the patient will benefit.
They have their own special hospitals, where troubled patients are sent to be stabilized on palliative prescription drugs. The psych wards have little areas for staff to sit in. The staff wear scrubs and badges, keep medical records, and some prescribe prescriptions—[s]he’s the doctor—and they wait for their patients to get better.
他們做的一切都是正確的。形式很完美。它看起來與其他醫學專業的外觀完全相同。但它不起作用。沒有患者因提供的對抗療法藥物而康復。無論如何,有些病人會好轉——也許是因為他們吃飽了(they’re fed),也許是因為他們保持清醒——這加劇了這個行業的困惑。
They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looks in the other medical specialties. But it doesn’t work. No patient recovers as a result of the allopathic drugs provided. Some patients get better anyways—perhaps because they’re fed, perhaps because they’re kept sober—compounding the profession’s confusion.
我將這些東西稱為 Cargo Cult Psychiatry,因為它們遵循現代科學醫學調查和乾預的所有明顯規則和形式,但它們缺少一些重要的東西,因為患者實際上並沒有得到改善。
It’s not that the patients don’t have actual problems—they’re dysfunctional with depression or psychosis or compulsive behaviors or addiction or any of a number of other ‘behavioral’ labels.
The allopathic psychiatrist’s predicament is they have a tendency to see people at the worst of their episode, and they didn’t personally witness their patient a week or two before when they were much more functional.
Holistic psychiatry is true psychiatry. Allopathic psychiatry is worse than a harmless cargo cult, because palliative prescriptions worsen the ‘mental deterioration’ the doctors think they’re preventing.
[補充說明:甲狀腺功能減退症的甲狀腺藥物不是“姑息性”藥物,因為這些藥物是可以糾正缺乏症的生物相同藥物。用於不良甲基化劑的 L-甲基葉酸 (#MTHFR) 同樣不是姑息性的,因為它有助於糾正無法將食品強化葉酸轉化為維生素 B-9 的人所經歷的營養不良。維生素 B-12 可糾正維生素 B-12 缺乏症。ETC。]
[SIDEBAR: Thyroid medication for hypothyroidism is NOT ‘palliative’, as these are bio-identical medications that correct a deficiency. L-methylfolate for a poor methylator (#MTHFR) is similarly NOT palliative, as helps correct the malnourishment experienced by people who cannot turn the food fortification folic acid into Vitamin B-9. Vitamin B-12 corrects vitamin B-12 deficiency. Etc.]
In other vestiges of cargo cult medicine, like statins for elevated cholesterol, people are able to protect themselves by questioning and deciding for themselves whether they believe their doctor actually knows what they’re doing.
Cargo Cult Psychiatry 使用法庭來強迫人們,否則他們被認為有權拒絕治療,服從貨物邪教的偽科學方法來解決“心理健康”問題。
Cargo Cult Psychiatry uses the courts to force people, who are otherwise assumed to have the right to refuse treatment, to submit to the cargo cultists’ pseudoscientific approach to ‘mental health’.
更新我在 SCOTUS 的努力
Update on My Efforts at SCOTUS
我之前的文章還分享了我在美國最高法院 [SCOTUS] 為保護我的朋友免受對抗療法精神病學標準護理所做的努力。我認為我的視頻證明了她在喝完酒之前很好,並且她在 2015 年 9 月被她的非自願醫生誤診。其他視頻、證據和證人證明,欺詐是 2018 年 1 月在美國地方法院犯下的。
My previous essay also shared my efforts at the Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS] to try to protect my friend from allopathic psychiatry’s standard of care. I think my videos prove she was fine before she ran out of alcohol, and that she was misdiagnosed by her involuntary doctors in September 2015. Other videos, evidence and witnesses prove that fraud was perpetrated on the United States District Court in January 2018.
But what good are videos, if no judge will consider them?
法官於 2022 年 2 月 22 日拒絕了第 21-6444 號請願書,沒有發表評論。2022 年 3 月 15 日,我提交了重新審理的請願書。這提供了原始請願書於 2021 年 11 月 16 日立案後的最新情況。我還指出,美國的司法系統具有虛構的屬性,並舉例說明了刑事司法系統如何利用刑事司法系統對社會造成傷害。蘇聯的懲罰性醫學技術。
The justices denied petition #21-6444 without comment on February 22, 2022. On March 15, 2022, I filed a petition for rehearing. This provided updates from after the original petition was docketed on November 16, 2021. I also pointed out that the United States’ judicial system has make-work properties, and gave practical examples of how society is harmed by the criminal justice system’s use of the Soviet techniques of punitive medicine.
我告訴法官蘇聯精神病監獄如何使用氟哌啶醇對持不同政見者進行再教育,並分享了我的朋友是如何在 2022 年 1 月像蘇聯持不同政見者一樣被注射氟哌啶醇的。我又舉了兩個來自亞利桑那州的例子來支持我的論點,即美國法院不應該寬恕現代醫學對#MedicalTorture 的使用。
I told the justices how Soviet Psycho-Prisons used haloperidol to re-educate dissidents, and shared how my friend was apparently injected with haloperidol in January 2022 just like a Soviet dissident. I gave two more examples from Arizona that support my contention that the United States Court should not condone modern medicine’s use of #MedicalTorture.
The justices denied this petition too. Maybe my problem is that it’s too inconvenient to point out that doctors use the courts to make work for themselves.
My current SCOTUS petition, #21-1493 (readable in full here), focuses on whether the United States District Court may declare me vexatious without considering the videos which prove I was entirely truthful in my filings.
In the make-believe world of the District Court’s rulings, I’m trying to judicially-harass a person who no longer cares for my acquaintance. In the real world, I have irrefutable evidence that supports my allegations that my friend’s legal mail was intercepted by one of the respondents to the original federal petition, and that the supposed ‘motion to dismiss’ was actually written by the respondent herself.
“Fraud on the Court” is when one of the parties to a court case undermines the integrity of the judicial system. Classic examples are of bribing the judge or court staff to interfere with the fairness of a judicial proceeding. In my case, one of respondents to my habeas petition impersonated the party to the habeas petition by sending a fake letter to the District Court. The District Court was supposed to have held an evidentiary hearing on whether this letter was actually sent by my friend. I think the district court just doesn’t want to rule that allopathic psychiatry is a cargo cult.
我出現了一點錢,所以這是一份付費請願書:SCOTUS 備案費 300 美元,印刷公司製作 50 份付費請願書所需規格的小冊子 2,011 美元。(SCOTUS 對付費請願書的規則要求小冊子的尺寸和紙張重量在典型的辦公用品商店中找不到。我之前的請願書是“informa pauperis”,並印在 8 ½” x 11” 紙上。)
I had a little bit of money appear, so this is a paid petition: $300 for the SCOTUS docketing fee, $2,011 for the printing company’s creation of 50 booklets of the required specifications for a paid petition. (SCOTUS rules for paid petitions require booklets of a size and paper weight that is NOT found at a typical office supply store. My previous petitions were “in forma pauperis”, and were printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper.)
All I want is for the Supreme Court to order an evidentiary hearing.
如果您想幫助我在 SCOTUS 的請願書,您可以寫信給美國首席大法官或負責您所居住州巡迴法院的助理大法官:
If you’d like to help with my petition at the SCOTUS, you can write the Chief Justice of the United States, or the Associate Justice in charge of the circuit of the state you live in:
[Your name]
[Your address]
美國首席大法官/助理大法官 [LAST NAME]
1 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20543
Chief Justice of the United States / Associate Justice [LAST NAME]
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20543
尊敬的美國首席大法官/助理大法官 [姓氏]
Dear Chief Justice of the United States / Associate Justice [LAST NAME]
我寫信是為了支持詹姆斯·諾切爾(James Knochel)努力從美國醫學中刪除蘇聯的酷刑技術。我希望你能對他的請願採取積極的行動,#21-1493。雖然這份請願書是關於心理健康行業是否可能在美國法院實施欺詐,但我相信他要求的簡單證據聽證會是開始從針對那些患有以下疾病的人的治療庫中移除無效精神藥物的最快方式。拒絕有害醫療的權利被暫停。
I am writing in support of James Knochel’s efforts to remove the Soviet techniques of torture from American Medicine. I hope you will act favorably on his petition, #21-1493. While this petition is about whether the mental health industry may perpetrate fraud on the United States Court, I believe the simple evidentiary hearing he asks for is the quickest way to start the ball rolling on removing ineffective psychiatric drugs from the treatment arsenal deployed against people whose right to refuse harmful medical treatments is suspended.
I myself have experienced / witnessed the incompetence of modern allopathic psychiatry. [DETAILS HERE]
我同意 Knochel 先生的觀點,強迫精神病學是貨物崇拜科學的現代例子。對於不知道自己在做什麼的對抗療法醫生,應該採取一些措施。
I agree with Mr. Knochel that forced psychiatry is a modern example of cargo cult science. Something ought to be done about allopathic doctors who don’t know what they’re doing.
[Your Name]
您也可以寫信給您的國會代表,讓他們知道您鼓勵他們行使對最高法院的監督權,因為最高法院在拒絕 #21-6444 的情況下對美國公民進行了橡皮圖章#MedicalTorture。
You can also write your congressional representatives to let them know that you encourage them to exercise their oversight authority of the Supreme Court, for the Court’s having rubber-stamped #MedicalTorture of U.S. Citizens with their denial of #21-6444.
Pressing on the Twitter Levers
亞利桑那州總檢察長 Mark Brnovich 應該在 2022 年 6 月 27 日之前回复我的請願書。Twitter 的影響力比大多數其他網站都要大。如果您將我的推文轉發給 AG Brnovich,這可能會幫助他意識到他需要為亞利桑那州實施蘇聯式醫學做點什麼。
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is supposed to respond to my petition by June 27, 2022. Twitter has a bit more reach than most other sites. If you retweet my tweet to AG Brnovich, it might help him realize that he needs to do something about Arizona’s implementation of Soviet-style medicine.
Were you tortured by #CargoCultPsychiatry? Share your experience with the hashtag #MedicalTorture.
如果您正在創建一個新帳戶,請關注@Mad_In_America和其他一些帳戶,這樣您就不僅僅是喜歡/轉發我的小推文。還請@SCOTUSblog和@AHoweBlogger告訴您,您想了解我們為從現代醫學的治療庫中刪除#MedicalTorture 所做的努力。
If you’re making a new account, follow @Mad_In_America and some other accounts too, so you’re not just liking/retweeting my little tweet. Also let @SCOTUSblog and @AHoweBlogger that you’d like coverage of our efforts to remove #MedicalTorture from modern medicine’s treatment arsenal.
To borrow from Feynman again:
我們從經驗中得知真相終將浮出水面。其他實驗者會重複你的實驗,看看你是對還是錯。自然現象會同意或不同意你的理論。而且,雖然你可能會獲得一些暫時的名聲和興奮,但如果你在這種工作上不小心翼翼,你將不會獲得[醫學專業]的好名聲。正是這種正直,這種不自欺欺人的小心翼翼,在 Cargo Cult [醫學] 的大部分研究中很大程度上都缺少。
We’ve learned from experience that the truth will out. Other experimenters will repeat your experiment and find out whether you were wrong or right. Nature’s phenomena will agree or they’ll disagree with your theory. And, although you may gain some temporary fame and excitement, you will not gain a good reputation as a [medical specialty] if you haven’t tried to be very careful in this kind of work. And it’s this type of integrity, this kind of care not to fool yourself, that is missing to a large extent in much of the research in Cargo Cult [Medicine].
Medicine is hard because every patient is unique. While our modern doctors might aspire to be scientific, no patient is exactly like any other.
All of Medicine has its Cargo Cult moments. From time immemorial, physicians have used the techniques they’re trained in, and seem to only abandon what doesn’t work when they figure out something else to do instead. A question to help Medicine move itself forward is “how can Medicine gracefully retire harmful treatments?”
Allopathic psychiatry is the only medical specialty that has organized resistance. This is deserved because their commonly-used treatments have no basis in physiology.
由 FDA 批准的“抗精神病”藥物氟哌啶醇引起的痛苦也被蘇聯人用來幫助他們的持不同政見者自我糾正他們的行為。西方精神病學家稱這是“折磨”,但仍然對自己的病人使用 Haldol。為什麼是這樣?
The agony caused by the FDA-approved “anti-psychotic” drug haloperidol was also used by the Soviets to help their dissidents self-correct their behavior. Western psychiatrists called this ‘torture’, but still use Haldol on their own patients. Why is this?
We are all harmed by Cargo Cult Psychiatry, and we’ll all be better off when punitive medicine is retired from use.
詹姆斯·諾切爾 Knochel 從大約 17 歲起就對自然的健康方法產生了興趣。如果大法官批准他的請願書,詹姆斯將嘗試糾正其他阻礙現代醫學為患者取得最佳結果的科學錯誤。最嚴重的錯誤是使用唯物主義作為科學進步的基本假設。推特:https ://
James Knochel Knochel has taken an interest in natural approaches to health since he was about 17 years old. If the Justices grant his petition, James will try to fix other science-mistakes that prevent modern medicine from achieving the best possible outcomes for their patients. The most important mistake is the use of materialism as the basic assumption to scientific progress. Twitter: